Mindful Consultation
    individual, couples & family therapy




    •Assertive Communication
    •About.com - Assertive Communication In 5 Steps
    •E-Zine Articles - Assertive Communication (6 Tips)
    •nLight - Communication Basics
    •Soft Panorama - Diplomatic Communication
    •E-How - Be diplomatic and make polite comments
    •About.com - Improve Relationships
    •Associated Content - What is Diplomacy



    •Effective Communication Techniques
    •How to Communicate Constructively - 12 Steps
    •Listening Skills
    •10 Tips for Communicating With Power
    •Characteristics of Effective Communication
    •How to Communicate Anything to Anyone
    •How to Use Tact
    •LHow to Write A Diplomatic Complaint Letter





James Chmielewski

1010 Lake Street – Suite 502A

Oak Park, IL 60301

O: (773) 430-9519 / F: (773) 889-2340

jchmielewski@aol.com / www.jc-therapy.com




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